Amrita Rao's charming Sister

Bollywood beauty Amrita Rao’s charming sister Preeta Rao has decided to step into the world of movies. This model and qualified.....

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7 Ways to Make a Good Impression

Impressions are important: They leave an initial taste in people's mouths that can remain prevalent for the entire relationship. If you are paranoid about what kind of impression you make, run through these seven list items and see if you are consistent with them; if you are, then you will probably expose the best of yourself. If not, then work to meet these standards.

1. Dress: The absolute first impression you will make on someone will be through your clothing, because that is what is seen from a distance, and cannot change throughout your meeting. Make sure to dress according to the situation-don't over or under dress-and maintain within the limits of good taste. If you aren't sure if what you're wearing looks good, ask people for an honest opinion. One last thought: always, and I mean always, pull up your pants.
2. Hygiene: Take a shower! Shave! Brush your teeth! You must be fully bathed and groomed before you meet with someone for the first time, because scruffy looking people generally don't seem as neat and mature. Pay attention to the little elements like breath: keep a pack of mint gum with you wherever you go, and periodically check to make sure you aren't killing bugs every time you breathe out. If you sweat heavily, keep a small stick of deodorant/anti-perspirant close, and if you notice you're stinking you can freshen up. People notice the minutiae!
3. Manners: At the table and with other people be civilized, polite and respectful: keep your elbows off of the table, open doors for people and address everyone-initially, at least-by their formal title. This will make an especially good impression on senior citizens, because you will prove that you aren't one of those "new fangled punks."
4. Speech: Have clean, clear diction and speak sans "like" or "you know." It is important to be articulate because that inspires a feeling of intelligence and education in the person you are meeting with. Always leave out profanity, and whatever you do, make sure to speak loud enough for all to hear, because conversationalists are easily agitated if you force them say "excuse me?" more than a few times.
5. Discretion: Choose what to share about yourself: forget to tell everyone about that time you went camping and ruptured your appendix, then fell face first into a pile of bug infested leaves-it is rude and will alienate you from the group. Try to withhold from conversations on personal subjects like religion or more disgusting topics like personal medical care. Before you speak, think about the possible impact of what you might say, then imagine its implications in the long run.
6. Humor: Humor can be your most powerful tool or your doom, because everyone has a slightly different sense of humor. What might be hilarious to you might seem disgusting to another, or vice versa. Try to withhold from any jokes that aren't family or dinner table friendly; you can tell those later.
7. Start and End with a Bang: I am a classical musician, and in my orchestra, among other messages, the conductor tells us that the "audience remembers mostly the first and last notes of a symphony." This is the same in a personal encounter: whoever you are meeting with will remember how you greet them, and then in what manner you left them. If you feel you have trouble with this, practice a few different phrases in the mirror, and introduce elements like: "pleased to meet you," or "honored to make your acquaintance." Ignore the antiquity of these phrases; it often makes them more memorable.

Making a good impression will set any relationship off on a good foot. If you are in a situation where you need to be judged at face value-such as a job interview or date-then make sure to go through this list and make sure you are within bounds of reason and good taste on all of your decisions.

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Life in the Mountains

Saying Goodbye

There is always room for a little trepidation, and a little nervous anxiety is a good thing because it helps us to realise that change is afoot.
Change is good, non?
There is much to say goodbye to before we leave for NZ.
The first is the selling of our gorgeous mountains cottage. Our 101 year old weatherboard cottage that we have poured our heart and soul into renovating over the past 3 years. Add to that the huge garden which I have slaved in and transformed from over-grown and weed-choked to productive and colourful and well, take a look at the pictures and you will see what I mean.
From the first time we walked through the gate of the rambling white picket fence, it was love at first site for us. The whole place was painted in the most inappropriate colours, in some rooms even the ceilings had been painted the same colours as the walls and when the colours are khaki green and dark purple, you can imagine how dark this makes an old house seem.
The commencement of each new project was akin to opening Pandora's Box because with each new task we were beset with the age-old problem every home renovator faces.

1. The job is going to take at least twice as long to complete, and
2. The job is going to cost at least thrice as much as budgeted for.
All of which only added to the eccentricity of the house.

It is the garden of which I am most proud because it is the garden in which I have sweated the most, bled the most, been broken-hearted the most, and delighted the most. I have discovered the joy of the seasons, the devastation that snow and ice cause to most plants and the delight of seeing colour burst through the cold hard ground! The amazing change in the garden that takes place virtually over night as the new growth springs forth after months of freezing temperatures only delights me more and more each year. This year I planted my second attempt at a vegie garden and was not disappointed like I was the year before when constant unseasonal torrential rain destroyed all of my seedlings. To be able to show my girls where the vegies on their plates came from, to be able to pick and eat at will, such a delight I can't tell you! Carrots and leeks, beetroots and broad beans, strawberries and an abundance of herbs and rocket, yummy!

Another thing of which I am extremely proud is the new skills which my very clever husband has learned. Carpenter, plumber, brick-layer, gardener, painter and general handy-man skills he has all mastered during the renovation.

Three solid years of tinkering away at our house has left me exhausted however and truth be told, I am looking forward to not having to spend our weekends working on it. I am looking forward to not being broken-hearted when the dog digs up my seedlings or destroys established plants that have taken a whole season establishing themselves! I am looking forward to discovering a new country, camping with our girls and living in a house that doesn't require constant work and renovation! I'm sure one day when the girls have grown up I will long for those days, but right now I am happy to leave them behind, and to pass them on to the new custodians of our beautiful mountains home.

Across the Pond

As the expression goes, we are moving "across the pond", however in this instance, it is from Australia to New Zealand, not from the UK to the US, as the expression usually implies.

We are going to be living in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. Kind of apt actually as our surname is the same!
When my husband first told me that he had been offered a job that would mean we would be relocating overseas to NZ I thought it was the most amazing, fantastic, most exciting thing to happen to us in years! A new adventure for us, a chance to embark on a new chapter of our lives after some very difficult times these past few years. As a couple, we have a tendency to never do anything in halves, always opting to take the road less travelled. It seems to be the only way we know how to do things. I also thought, well it's not like we're really moving to another country, they speak English over there and they sound a lot like us, and it's only a 3 1/2 hour
flight right? Not far at all really...

Well now that I've had more time to digest our move... I have to confess I have started to panica little. We really are "moving overseas!" Everyone is excited and pleased for us, and thrilled with my husbands success, which is all very nice, but I am going to be leaving the country in which I was born, raised and spent my entire 36 years living in. Living and working overseas has always been a dream, and I do think that NZ couldn't be a better way to begin this journey of fulfilling a dream. Sometimes I wonder, am I up to it?
In under 5 weeks time, I guess I'll know, because that's how soon it is until we board the plane!

Lenovo Dual Screen Laptop

Wow ho, two screens lappie. This is the Thinkpad W700ds, it comes with choice of Intel Core 2 Quad processors and combined with the NVIDIA Quadro FX 3700M GPU. It support up to .....
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Asin Keeping Her Fingers Crossed

Asin is keeping her fingers crossed. The verdict will be out in a few days from now. Asin states, “I would not say I am nervous. But I am anxious to know how the audiences react to the movie and also to my performance. I have not watched the movie yet I .........

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Tiny Horse

The horse, currently only a little taller than this book, is expected to grow to about 24 inches
Toy horses are usually pink and plastic – and aimed at young girls. But this little pony is 100 per cent natural – and ready to make friends with anyone her size. More images after the break...

The miniature horse snuggles up to mummy as local people try to come up with a name for her
Born ten days ago at a stud in the southern state of Victoria, Australia, the 15in miniature horse – which is yet to be named – has already formed a bond with Sam Leith, 12. Silver dun tovero in colour, she was given a clean bill of health – and should reach 24in when grown.The birth has generated such excitement in the community that local people are entering a competition to give the horse a name in time for Christmas.

Tight squeeze: The horse is so small it can fit underneath her mother
Owner Lee Scown said she wanted a name that reflected the tiny, unique nature of the horse.'It’s the smallest horse I’ve ever had and she’s so gorgeous,' Ms Scown said. 'It’s amazing to see a horse so tiny, and she’s about the size of a week-old lamb.'The horse is the smallest born at Riverdance and its arrival surprised even its breeder.'We got told the mare wasn't due for another four weeks but on Sunday morning I walked outside and called her, and out ran the little foal behind her.'

Going for a walk: Sam leads the way, followed by Bliss and her tiny new daughter
Seeing eye to eye: The little horse has already formed a bond with youngster Sam Leith

Via : Link

Brooke Hogan in Miami

Brooke Hogan ventured out with unknown male companion for a shopping stroll down Lincoln Road in Miami on......
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Weight Loss Just By Drinking Water

Make A Successful Weight Loss Just By Drinking Water - Maybe The Easiest Weight Loss Method
Well, you may have heard it before - you can lose weight just by drinking pure plain water. Do you think it is like that? Yes, it is, you can lose weight just by drinking water. I will explain why it is .......

Chinese Man Drives with no Arms

Chinese police got a surprise when they pulled over a brand new 4x4 for a routine check - the driver had no arms. Zing Shen, 42, was steering the vehicle with his feet and was amazed when officers decided issue him with a public safety summons.He told the traffic officers he had been driving like that for years after losing both arms below the elbows in an industrial accident. Caught red-handed: Police arrested Zing Shen who has no arms beneath the elbow but had been steering with his legs. More after the break...

A police spokesman in Beijing said: 'The man said that he was a very safe driver and felt he was as good as anyone else on the road, despite his disability.'He had an automatic so did not need to worry about changing gears and said he had put a lot of practice into learning to control the steering wheel with his legs. 'He said he was actually even more careful now with driving than he had been before he lost his arms. He was surprised when we arrested him.' An officer in Beijing tells Mr Shen why it isn't a good idea to steer a car with his feet.
Via: Link

South ide Namitha

The Tall fatty is a favourite actress & do play .....
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Did you Know ?

By Karl Fisch

Hillary Duff Naomi Kaltma Photoshoot

Hilary Duff was just 2 years old when Depeche Mode's "Personal Jesus" was released, but ...
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My 15 Days to Fitness

I woke up this morning and was time. I have been neglected myself and my fitness goals for over a month now. I have been so wrapped up in all my businesses and my online product, I have really let myself go. But I made the decision, NO MORE! I need to come first, I DESERVE to come first and now is the time.

There are 15 days until Christmas and I am setting some goals and be very specific.........

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