I Heart Papaw
I heart Lucas's Papaw Ointment.
Have you ever discovered something wonderful that totally changed your life? Well, I have finally discovered something that heals my rough elbow skin. For so long I have tried and tested so many different types of creams, scrubs, lotions and potions. Most of them haven't worked well, and those that did, well the effects did not last. Today I can tell you that the long-loved and lauded Lucas' Papaw Ointment, made proudly in Australia, is pure gold! It works, it lasts and it is so useful as a remedy for so many things. It is also a wonderful lip balm. Most Aussie girls carry a tube of this wonder salve in their handbags. I have gone a bit crazy and now have a tube in my handbag, on my bedside table, bathroom cabinet, kitchen junk drawer, car glove box and medicine cabinet. I don't every want to run out.