Stuck in the Twilight Zone...

While I've been recovering from the worst case of flu I've had since 1996, a thoughtful friend gave me the Twilight books to read.

She told me "You need to nurture yourself. Get into bed and rest. Read these so you're not tempted to do any housework."

Well, that turned out to be a big mistake! I am now so ensconced in these books that when I'm not reading, it's all I can think about! I find myself walking around the house with my head in the book, cooking dinner with my head in the book, bathing my kids thinking about the book, going to bed early just so I can read without being disturbed. It's very sad...

I don't know how I am going get back into my blog groove because all I want to do is bury myself in New Moon so I can begin reading Eclipse. ... sigh...

I know there must be fellow addicts out there - show yourselves!

Image from Google.
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