Today is the first anniversary of my very first blog post, yay!
I am so happy with how my blog has evolved over the past year, particularly in the last 6 months since settling here in New Zealand. Life has certainly turned around for my family and I since moving here and my writing is testament to that.
My heart felt thanks to you all for visiting I like, I wish, I heart.
I know that some of you visit everyday, so I cannot thank you enough for supporting me and for keeping me motivated.
The other wonderful motivator is the comments that you leave.
I know this might sound a little weird, but your comments are so wonderful to me because I feel they help validate my existence in this crazy world. I am happier than I have been in a very long time and that comes down to being free to be me and to express my passions through my blog.
I look forward to seeing how I like, I wish, I heart evolves over the next year with you.
Ciao for now,