Out with the old and in with the New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!  We have been moving into our new house this past week and so I have been away from the world of blogging, email and all that other stuff.  It felt good to be disconnected for a while, but after a week I was beginning to get a little "antsy in my pantsy" - so to speak!

I have just returned from taking my dog Jet for her morning frolic and it is quite a different experience to what we were used to when living in NZ.  The first major difference is that we are not living right at the beach here, but that doesn't stop her from getting her water fix because she has no problem finding the closest creek and plunging straight in!  

Another difference is that it is humid and hot and it is tropical and lush and the air is heavy with the scent of mango!  I grew up here and yet I had forgotten how the air becomes intoxicated with the scent of pure fruit.  I love it!

This year is full of promise... I have goals to reach and dreams to live out... I wish you all the best with your hopes and dreams for 2010 and what it brings you.

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