I feel so lucky today because I fulfilled a dream of mine this past weekend.
I got to see the magnificent John Mayer in concert!
My gorgeous friends Man and Deb and I had the most amazing experience witnessing John Mayer's incredible talent in Brisbane on Friday night. Even though he was jet-lagged, he was funny, self-deprecating and his talent is beyond words. He was mesmerising!
Okay, I get that some of you may not have the same passion for John's music that I do, but his music is a gift to my life. His songs have helped me through some of the toughest of times. His music inspires me, and props me up when I'm feeling down.
To be able to see him, hear him and experience him in the flesh was a dream come true. I try very hard to never forget how fortunate I am, because regardless of the tough times, I still have the most amazing group of friends around me. I was so lucky to be able experience John Mayer with two of these beautiful friends. It made the experience all the more memorable.
To be able to see him, hear him and experience him in the flesh was a dream come true. I try very hard to never forget how fortunate I am, because regardless of the tough times, I still have the most amazing group of friends around me. I was so lucky to be able experience John Mayer with two of these beautiful friends. It made the experience all the more memorable.
I've been playing the s**t out of my John Mayer catalogue over this 3 day weekend and while I do feel a little sorry for my hubby and family, I know that they love his music too and forgive me my indulgence (I think!).