What will 2011 bring for you?

So Santa has been and gone for another year.
My girls believe that he landed on our roof, shimmied down the drain pipe and came in through the laundry door - because we don't have a chimney.  Annabel was terribly concerned about this factor, waking me super early one morning not long before Christmas to ask me where our chimney was (bless).

I don't usually do too much these days for NYE.  Most of the time we spend it with friends in someone's backyard, trying to suppress yawns after 9 o'clock and desperate for midnight to hit so we can head off to bed because with small children, one doesn't have the luxury of a sleep-in on such occasions. This year is the exception to the rule (yay!) because I will be spending it with my girlfriends sans children (and hubby)at a house by the beach.  

Happy New Year everyone!  Let's hope that 2011 is full of prosperity, adventure and good health for all of us.

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