Vogue Heaven

So finally I was able to purchase my much anticipated copy of the September Australian Vogue - their 50th anniversary edition.  

Vogue Australia doesn't arrive in NZ until the last week of the month, so to say I've been hanging out for it is quite the understatement!  

I was not disappointed.  It is a triumph!  360 gorgeous pages and I'm not even half-way through after 2 solid hours of reading.

Vogue produced 4 spectacular covers for their special 50th anniversary edition all of which feature our divine Cate Blanchett drawn by the wonderful and very talented fashion illustrator, David Downton.  

Each one is a collector's edition.  I have many collector's editions of Vogue Australia, most of which are in mint condition and are treasures I will never part with.  But there is something extraordinary about these covers, they are truly, truly beautiful.  

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY Vogue Australia, I always have and always will, love you the most!

Have a lovely weekend everyone! 

Ciao for now,

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